use the arrows to Take a look around Buckingham Park and some of our past events
Next Parish Meeting
1st April 2025
Parish Council Update
Co-Option Notice
Where are we
Located to the north of Aylesbury, by the River Thame, we are a modern development built by Taylor Wimpey, Careys, and Persimmon Homes. Building started in 2007 and now has 1035 Houses with a mix of Owner Occupiers, Key Worker Homes, Shared Ownership, and Housing Associations.
The Parish Council Meets on the first Tuesday of each month (except for August) at our Community Centre at 8pm. Residents and the general public are welcome to attend.
History of Buckingham Park
Long before the first foundations of Buckingham Park were laid the fields on which we are built are reputed to be the site of the battle of Aylesbury. Many of the street names in Buckingham Park come from the Battle.
During the English civil war Aylesbury was firmly on the side of parliament but was occupied by a Royalist Garrison under the command of Prince Rupert. On the 1st of November 1642 Prince Rupert rode out of Aylesbury with his troops in order to meet the approaching Royalist forces led by Sir William Balfore and included Green Coats under the command of Colonel Grantham.
The two sides joined battled on in the fields just to the North of Holmans’s bridge over the River Thame. This is the small bridge that crosses the river between Buckingham Park and the Horse and Jockey Pub on the main road (A413)
The battle did not go well for Prince Rupert’s men who were forced back across the river towards Aylesbury. However, while attempting to regroup on the outskirts of the town they came under attack from the people of Aylesbury in response to their oppression by Prince Rupert while he was in occupation. The Prince and his men fled to Thame and Aylesbury came under Parliaments control for the remainder of the war.
In 1818 the bones of 247 men were found in a mass grave close to Holmans’ Bridge, on what was to become Buckingham Park, believed to be from the Battle of Aylesbury. At that time the remains were moved to St Mary’s Churchyard in Hardwick.
Whether the Battle of Aylesbury really happened or was Parliamentary Propaganda at the time is disputed.
The Battle of Aylesbury 1642 (English Civil War Battles) by Sarah Griffin available from good book shops and on-line